Navigating the job market as a Technical Program Manager (TPM) can be challenging when hiring slows down at big tech...
Navigating the job market as a Technical Program Manager (TPM) can be challenging when hiring slows down at big tech...
Reporting program status effectively and transparently is one of the most critical things to get right in a program to...
As a Technical Program Manager (TPM), trust is your most valuable currency. It enables you to influence without...
Trust is the cornerstone of success for a technical program manager. Here, we will learn how to earn trust within an...
Managing stakeholders as a Technical Program Manager (TPM) can feel like playing referee in a game where each player...
Cloud and infrastructure organizations like AWS, Azure, and GCP offer various opportunities for Technical Program...
Innovation thrives when teams and individuals can make decisions and own their work. Without this freedom, creativity...
OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a powerful tool for leaders to drive focus, alignment, and measurable success...
Have you wanted to transition into a leadership role and been told that you need to be "seen as a leader" by your...
One of the most understated qualities of a Technical Program Manager (TPM) is the ability to navigate and collaborate...
There are several reasons why I strongly encourage the TPMs I mentor to develop their personal TPM brand, particularly...
Writing is a critical skill for Technical Program Managers (TPMs) and similar roles as it underpins many key...
While many of us anticipate that our managers will actively navigate our career paths, advocating for promotions and...
As a Technical Program Manager (TPM), you are often faced with owning complex, ambiguous programs, tasked with...
Most if not all ‘Tech’ companies have been slowly doing away with the traditional ‘Project Manager’ title/ role for...
The average salary for a technical program manager is $250,000 if you are entering a bigger product-based company...
What is the role of a Technical Program Manager (TPM)?" A TPM enables tech organizations to achieve their goals...
This is a review of the second edition of Solutions Architect’s Handbook, published by Packt and authored by Saurabh...
Over the years, I have bookmarked interesting system design resources I have come across. And now I have built it as a...
After several TPM hiring drives and having hired and built large TPM teams where I have had to review several...
Over the last year and a half, I have been fortunate enough to serve as the ‘Chief of Staff’ (CoS) for a large...
I was talking to a friend who is working at Amazon a few years ago, and he was telling me that he recently took up the...
The Product Manager - Technical (PMT) is a relatively newer role. The PMT role originated in 2016 at Amazon. We now...
The role of a TPM demands that a TPM possesses a variety of skills. Although the core skills of a TPM…
Over the past decade, the role of a Technical Program Manager has become very important to grow and scale...
As TPMs, use the authority that comes with our role. At other times, we indirectly use the authority…
One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked is, "Can you describe a day in the life of a TPM?". This...
This post is going to focus on a couple of methodologies and thought process on how to “Take It To The Next Level As A...
Over the past years, I have bookmarked interesting TPM resources I came across. And now we have built it as a central...
Every B2C website or app that we use today from Amazon, LinkedIn, Facebook, Netflix, Instagram uses some form of...
The fundamental reason to move to an Agile development model was to get new features and products to the customer's...
Technical Program Management Training Courses - Amazon, Google, Microsoft Since I started this blog 4 years ago and...
As Technical Program Managers, we are often tasked with leading teams in Building Resilient Microservices. This post...
In this post we are going to talk about the differences between Technical Program Managers vs Product Managers vs...
Microservices is the new buzz word. It refers to smaller and more manageable services that serves a specific use case....
With quite the number of folks changing careers, starting off as TPMs, and even seasoned TPMs moving teams I thought...
What is Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Scaled Agile Framework SAFe A proven, publicly available framework for applying...
Kafka is a distributed, partitioned,high-throughput, low-latency platform. It provides a similar functionality of a...
Over the last decade there has been an explosion of users we probably had 1000 users per day hitting high-traffic...
Are there teams you have worked in that follow a flavor of an Agile implementation be it Scrum or TTD or Kanban to the...
A customer's user experience cannot be understated. All successful B2C products try to ensure that the user experience...
Content Delivery Network - CDN primary goal is to deliver data to the end-user with high availability and high...
My previous post was about the components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and their key indicators. To reiterate the 5...
INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE (IaC) I believe as TPMs we often are the guiding compass for our teams. We should always be...
When you talk to entrepreneurs or startups and organizations that are successful they all have one thing in common....
This blog is an analysis of the Amazon program manager(PM) & Technical Program Manager (TPM) salaries from various...
Emotional Intelligence has been around since 1964 but has gained significantly more popularity in the last 15 years....
Technical Program Manager Interview: With Alessandro Catorcini A fabulous interview with Alessandro Catorcini! He has...
Cloud Computing for Managers - (TPMs, PMs, SDMs) Over the last couple of years, there has been a need for managers...
Depth vs Breadth vs SWAT Technical Program Managers. At all my previous roles I have been working as an embedded TPM....
A New Kind of Program Manager. A new role emerges at organizations where technology is at the core of products. As...
No matter where you are or what you do, at the end of the day, all of us are travelers in the journey of life inching...
The Technical Program Manager Career Path and growth is one of the most often asked questions. In this post, I will go...
In back to the basics for TPMs, we will go over the differences between HTTP vs HTTPS. We will understand HTTP &...
"The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results" This book is a quick and fantastic read....
Mute mapping is a variant of affinity mapping where no one speaks! Does that not sound interesting? This really helps...
"The Technical Program Manager (TPM) Salary - Revised Analysis". It is a revised analysis because 2 years ago I...
I recently passed the AWS Solution Architect - Associate Certification and decided to give you a quick run down of the...
Begin the journey of a lifetime to finding the right opportunity to become a great technical program manager with some...
This post is to cover some of the most basic things you need to know about Networking Protocols & TCP/IP in your...
Docker Containers What are docker containers? Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, running applications...
Mesh Networks are best described as a redundant Network in which every user or node connected to the network aids in...
More of a continuation from my previous post on Capacity Planning. The Application Resource Utilization primarily...
IT capacity planning for this post primarily focuses on estimating, infrastructure-related tasks that need to be...
UPDATED : New post on Salaries for TPMs Salaries Having covered Roles and responsibilities of project managers,...
This post is about the various roles and responsibilities that are most commonly used in the Project Management world...
What is a Graph Database ? Graph databases address one of the biggest use cases, they leverage complex dynamic...
Continuous delivery is the implementation of the developing, compiling, deploying, testing, and releasing software in...
The sheer number of certifications one can do is infinite. Companies like Microsoft and Oracle alone have more than...
A quick recap of the Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over...
Networking is an important aspect of any professionals life. There are several advantages in meeting and knowing more...
What is OAuth 2.0? If you are a frequent app user using new apps you most likely have used OAuth 2. OAuth provides an...
The Interview Scene - is changing in Seattle and in other cities as well....